Societal Contribution

Societal Contribution Activities

The SDG Report Card Working Group, which was established to more effectively monitor and develop our university's contributions to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), continues its activities actively. Our working group aims to evaluate our university's contributions to sustainability goals with a systematic approach every year and to present this data in a comparable form over the years.

In this context, it is aimed to increase the level of contribution of our university to global sustainability standards, to continuously improve its performance in this area and to share it with the public in a transparent manner. Developments and results regarding the activities of our working group will be shared regularly.

The “Hayat İyi Yaşam Merkezi” established in Malatya Samanköy was deemed worthy of the Jury’s Special Award at the 15th Corporate Responsibility Summit on March 5, 2024. The center has been making a significant contribution by providing health, psychological and societal support to thousands of earthquake victims since October 30, 2023.

by Hacettepe University Child Development Application and Research Center and Hacettepe University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Child Development on April 30, 2024. The panel was held at the Red Hall of Sıhhiye Cultural Center between 13:30-15:30. Various important topics were discussed in the panel hosted by Hacettepe University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hayat İyi Yaşam Center. The topics examined in detail by the panelists are as follows:

  • Life is Good Life Center Faculty of Health Sciences Applications
  • Malatya Hayat Good Life Center Project Experiences
  • Child development in sudden life events
  • Understanding the process and identifying needs
  • Ensuring coordination and teamwork
  • Drawing a roadmap: Identifying developmental needs
  • Emotion-focused developmental support and emotion-focused parenting
  • Language development support needs of children in earthquake zones

“ECHO Project Sustainable Infrastructure Community Education Program Preparation Workshop” was held on May 6, 2024 at Hacettepe University Sıhhiye Campus.

This important initiative aims to strengthen our university's contributions to sustainability goals through national and international collaborations and to move forward with stronger steps into the future.

cooperation protocols signed between Hacettepe University and the University of New Mexico in June 2024, Hacettepe University has become the implementer of the ECHO Project in Turkey. In the Project ECHO: Hacettepe University project, which will be carried out under the coordination of the Societal contribution Coordination Office, case-based training will be provided in areas determined according to societal needs and a community of practice will be created in this way. 

About Project ECHO ( ):

  • New Mexico Health Sciences Center is a pioneering telementoring and distance learning program designed to develop and enhance the workforce .
  • It is an initiative whose primary goal is to de-monopolize knowledge and increase the capacity to deliver best-practice care to underserved people around the world .
  • ECHO programs were launched in 2003 with a focus on hepatitis-C treatment. Today, they are implemented with more than 1,200 partners worldwide and participants from approximately 200 countries.
  • To date, more than 5 million people have attended ECHO sessions and more than 500 peer-reviewed articles have been published proving the effectiveness of the program.
  • According to conservative estimates, more than 200 million patients worldwide have benefited from this treatment model.

Basic Approach of the ECHO Project:

  • Ensuring the movement of information: A structure that moves information instead of people.
  • Information democracy: Democratizing information and providing equal access to all.
  • Solving complex problems: Increasing access to good practice examples in solving complex problems around the world.
  • An environment where everyone teaches and learns: A dynamic learning community where everyone contributes.
  • Real-time, peer-to-peer, and experiential learning: Immediate feedback and opportunities for collaborative learning.
  • Collaborative problem solving: Developing practical solutions to problems through interdisciplinary collaboration .

May 21, 2024 , an online symposium titled “Crises in Health and Societal Responsibility Studies” was organized by Hacettepe University Societal Responsibility Application and Research Center (HÜSSAM). The aim of this event was to increase societal responsibility awareness in the health sector and to develop effective solutions for crises.

At the symposium, crises in the field of health, current societal responsibility activities and the needs of vulnerable groups were discussed in detail. Experiences and solution suggestions were shared by academics, experts and representatives of various professional organizations.

The art exhibition, inspired by the knowledge gained by children on biodiversity and climate change within the scope of a Societal contribution program carried out at İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hospital, was opened to visitors between 22-31 May 2024.

The ECHO project aims to raise awareness about the necessity of sustainable infrastructure. In this project, where physical and societal infrastructure will be evaluated together through case examples from earthquake-affected provinces, sustainability principles will be reviewed with national and international experts.

Within the scope of this project, Hacettepe University Sustainable Infrastructure Community Training was organized on June 6, 2024 between 09.30-15.30 at Eskişehir Technical University.

At the meeting held between 20.00-21.30 on 07 June 2024, Societal contribution Coordinator Prof. Dr. Mine Durusu Tanrıöver and Erg. Sümeyye Levent shared the activities and experiences gained at the Hayat İyi Yaşam Center in Malatya, in collaboration with Hayat Holding and Hacettepe University.

The Final Report Meeting of the Impact Assessment Research (EDA) of Hacettepe University Services at the Hayat İyi Yaşam Center (HİYM) was held on 13.06.2024 between 13:30-17:00 at the Population Studies Institute Conference Hall.

In the final report, the impact assessment of the services provided by Hacettepe University in the New Life Container City was completed. The research revealed that women and children benefited from the services intensively and that the services provided increased the level of knowledge, improved physical and mental health, and increased school success. In particular, art, education, and health support had direct positive effects.

The societal impact of the services is strong and diverse. While direct effects are concentrated on women and children, indirect effects have enabled children to learn the rules of daily life. In addition, the indirect effects include the fact that HIYM reduces the burden of childcare for women and increases the well-being of volunteer staff.

Catalytic and substitution effects have enabled the services provided by HIYM to spread to areas outside the container city. For example, children sharing what they have learned at HIYM outside has increased women's participation in literacy courses.

These findings show that the services provided by Hacettepe University in the New Life Container City have created broad and deep effects. The recommendations for the university to establish competent teams in post-disaster interventions and the training of the staff shed light on future studies.

The final report can be accessed from this link.

a meeting was held on June 24, 2024 with the participation of Societal contribution coordinator members, unit representatives and Hacettepe University senior management .

  • Following the opening speeches, exemplary contribution activities at the institution and unit level were shared.
  • Certificates were presented to participants who successfully completed the basic level Turkish sign language training within the scope of the Barrier-Free Hacettepe project.

Meeting of Unit Representatives of the Societal Contribution Coordination
Beytepe Campus Mehmet Akif Ersoy Hall

Prof. Dr. M. Cahit Güran (Rector)
Prof. Dr. Serhat Ünal (Vice Rector)
Prof. Dr. Mine Durusu Tanrıöver (Societal Contribution Coordinator)
Dr. Melike Saraç (Institute of Population Studies)
Prof. Dr. Banu Tavat (Member of the Societal Contribution Coordination and Quality Commission)
Prof. Dr. Berrin Akman (Faculty of Education)
Prof. Dr. Naciye Vardar Yağlı (Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurgül Gültekin (B.O.S.B Technical Sciences Vocational School)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu Şimşek (Faculty of Communication)
Dr. Fırat Oztürk (School of Foreign Languages) And Societal Contribution Unit Representatives

Program flow:
10:00-10:15 Opening speeches
10:15-10:30 Institutional societal contribution projects - Prof. Dr. Mine Durusu Tanrıöver and Dr.
Melike Saraç
10:30-10:45 Certificate distribution 'Engelsiz Hacettepe' Successfully completed the 120-hour Basic Level Turkish Sign Language Training organized by the Rectorate Elective Courses Unit Coordination between February 19 - May 26, 2024.
10:45-11:00 Quality assurance in societal contribution - Prof. Dr. Banu Tavat
11:00-11:15 Example project 1 - Prof. Dr. Berrin Akman (Faculty of Education)
11:15-11:30 Example project 2 - Prof. Dr. Nacive Vardar Yağlı (Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation)
11:30-11:45 Example project 3 - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurgül Gültekin (B.O.S.B Technical Sciences
Vocational School)
11:45-12:00 Example project 4 - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu Şimşek (Faculty of Communication)

Certificates were delivered to our staff who successfully completed the Sign Language training program, which was carried out in cooperation with the Disabled Student Unit and Elective Courses Coordination within the scope of the activities of the Societal contribution Coordination. This program aims to remove communication barriers for hearing impaired individuals by increasing the societal awareness of Hacettepe University employees and developing their communication skills.

Planetary Health Report Card is a student initiative operating all over the world. This initiative adopts a student-centered and metric-based approach to promote planetary health in schools that train health professionals. A working group of students led by Mert Can Güneş at Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine has joined this network since 2022 under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Mine Durusu Tanrıöver. The first evaluation report has been prepared and published for the 2022-2023 academic year. The new report prepared for the Faculty of Medicine in the 2023-2024 academic year shows that our University's grade has increased. As the only pharmacy faculty from Turkey participating in the 2023-2024 academic year for the first time , our Faculty of Pharmacy's evaluation report has been published among ten countries, marking a pioneering initiative.

It is stated that the infrastructure projects to be built in the next decade will determine whether the world will move towards sustainable development and climate adaptation. Therefore, the capacity of practitioners in this field must be rapidly developed before new infrastructure investments. In this context, the Nicholas Institute of Duke University for Energy , Environment and Infrastructure run by Sustainability An academic cooperation protocol was signed between Hacettepe University and Duke University on 26.07.2024 for the implementation of the learning model developed within the scope of the Sustainability Learning (ISLe) Initiative project ( in Turkey. The ISLe project , which aims to help experts and practitioners develop capacity for sustainable and resilient infrastructure by exchanging information and establishing solution-oriented collaboration, creates virtual communities of practice for sustainable infrastructure practitioners.

A sustainable infrastructure community of practice will be established using the Project ECHO model in line with a program designed in line with the United Nations Environment Programme’s International Good Practice Principles for Sustainable Infrastructure under the leadership of Hacettepe University. The main purpose of this program, which will be carried out in Turkey with the cooperation of Hacettepe University Societal contribution Coordination and Lifelong Learning Center and with the participation of expert academics from other universities, is to contribute to the construction of reconstructed infrastructures in line with sustainability principles by providing support to leaders, experts and practitioners who carry out reconstruction works in the regions affected by the February 6, 2023 earthquake.

cooperation in shaping and implementing corporate and societal responsibility projects on issues such as education, culture and art activities for the society, protection of art and culture values and activities for conveying them to the society, was signed on 05.06.2024.

The protocol, which envisages the implementation of pre- and post-graduate education programs, curriculum studies, continuous professional development projects; the creation of voluntary impact networks; conducting research on children's rights and global development goals; collaborating in publishing, communication and cultural activities; and organizing joint academic and scientific activities such as scientific meetings and conferences, congresses, trainings, seminars, symposiums, etc., was signed on 01.03.2024.

Climate Clinic Health Sciences Conference Abstract Book published online

Art-based rehabilitation studies are starting in collaboration with the Department of Psychology, Department of Graphics, and Ankara Probation Directorate!
Within the scope of the collaboration with the Ministry of Justice General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses, art-based practices will be implemented to support the rehabilitation processes of convicts in an atmosphere different from the prison environment. Within the scope of the studies to be carried out by the Departments of Psychology and Graphics, it is aimed to reduce the psychological barriers experienced by the convicts at the entrance to the institution and to positively support their adaptation processes through visual design applications. In this context, artistic works such as painting and graffiti will be applied to the walls together with the convicts, and practical workshops will be organized with techniques such as collage and drawing. These studies, which will be carried out by utilizing the healing power of art, aim to contribute to the rehabilitation processes of the convicts and support their reintegration into society.

Prof. Dr. Süleyman Sadi Seferoğlu, a faculty member of the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology at Hacettepe University Faculty of Education, gave digital security conferences to earthquake victim families living in container cities in Malatya between April 29 – May 4, 2024, within the scope of the project carried out in collaboration with Hayat Holding and Hacettepe University. These conferences, aimed at raising awareness about the risks and threats brought by the digital age, addressed the dangers that children and young people may encounter in digital environments, safe internet use, and ways to protect against cyber threats. Awareness-raising activities for families going through a sensitive process after the earthquake aimed to strengthen societal resilience by increasing awareness of digital literacy. This project emphasized the importance of supportive activities aimed at raising awareness in society after the disaster, while contributing to the awareness of families, especially children and young people, to exist safely in the digital world.

The STEM&Makers Fest/Expo, held on September 27-28, 2024, at the Tunçalp Özgen Congress and Culture Center on the Beytepe Campus of Hacettepe University, was held with wide participation. At the event, which was held with the contributions of the Societal Contribution Coordination and student communities, workshops and interactive games were offered for individuals of all ages from 7 to 70. While the student communities of Space Exploration and Management, Machinery, and Physics organized workshops for different age groups, the Planetary Health Report Card Project Team of the Societal Contribution Coordination presented "Sustainable Living for a Nature-Friendly Future" games to the participants. 171 people participated in the event, and their awareness levels on planetary health were evaluated.

An important symposium on the effects of the climate crisis on physical and mental health was held within the scope of the cooperation protocol signed with the Yuvam Dünya Association. The symposium aimed to raise awareness and develop solutions by addressing the effects of climate change on health from a scientific perspective. The recordings of the symposium can be accessed here.

The "Love and Respect for the World Series" event, organized by the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Science at Hacettepe University in cooperation with the Yuvam Dünya Association and National Geographic, was held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, between 13:30 - 15:00 at the Mehmet Akif Ersoy Hall on the Beytepe Campus. Within the scope of the event, the demonstration of the episode "A Close Look at Animals: The Miracles of Galapagos" presented by Bertie Gregory was held. Before the demonstration, a panel titled "Voices of Galapagos: A Dialogue on Biodiversity and Climate Change" was held with the participation of Kıvılcım Pınar Kocabıyık, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Yuvam Dünya Association, Wildlife Photographer Alper Tüydeş, and Prof. Dr. Utku Perktaş, a faculty member of the Department of Biology at Hacettepe University. The event provided an important perspective on biodiversity and climate change to participants interested in nature and wildlife.

The Climate Clinic Health Curriculum Study was presented and evaluated at the Education and Training Coordination Board of Hacettepe University on November 8, 2024. Within the scope of the presentation, the basic components of the training program, which aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of health professionals about the effects of climate change on health, were conveyed. During the meeting, discussions were held on the integration, applicability, and development of the program with health education, and feedback from stakeholders was received. In this context, it was recommended to open an elective course at the undergraduate and associate degree levels and to conduct trainer training through the Center for Sustainable Teaching and Learning to ensure the integration of the curriculum into the existing course contents in the field of health sciences

An Elective Course Information Meeting was held on December 27, 2024, with the participation of faculty members and research assistants who responded positively to the voluntary call for the creation of an elective course program in the field of climate and health, in line with the recommendation decision taken at the Education and Training Coordination Board. In the presentation made by Prof. Dr. Mine Durusu Tanrıöver, the effects of climate change in the field of health sciences and the process of developing the training program in this field were discussed. Faculty members and research assistants from different disciplines attended the meeting. Participants discussed how they could contribute to the curriculum development process and shared their views and suggestions.
At the meeting:
- Support was expressed for the integration of climate change into health sciences education.
- The necessity of creating the curriculum in an interdisciplinary structure was emphasized.
- It was suggested that the educational content be supported with up-to-date scientific data and enriched with practical courses.

In line with the agreement signed between Hacettepe University and the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Hacettepe University has been recognized as a 'Project ECHO' center. Within the framework of another cooperation protocol signed with Duke University, which is also a Project ECHO center, an education and community development project has been initiated for the sustainable reconstruction of the infrastructure in the earthquake region. The first session of the project titled 'Infrastructure Sustainability Learning (ISLe) Community Training Program,' which uses the Project ECHO infrastructure, was held on October 30, 2024, with 56 participants. In the first session, conducted under the title "Introduction to Sustainability Principles: The 10 Principles of the United Nations Environment Program and Strategic Planning," the topics of "Introduction to the 10 Principles of the United Nations Environment Program," "A Case Study on Strategic Planning in Post-Earthquake Reconstruction," and "Creating a Mind Map Centered on Principle 1 (Strategic Planning)" were discussed. The program, conducted with the support of the Hacettepe University Lifelong Learning Center, is contributed by academics from Hacettepe University and Eskişehir Technical University, as well as experts from the United Nations Environment Program and the Disaster Risk Reduction Office. The expected beneficiaries of the program are postgraduate students and young professionals receiving education in this field. The first phase of this program, which will consist of six sessions, primarily aims to create a competent and sharing community with basic values and concepts in this field for the sustainable reconstruction of the infrastructure in Turkey after the earthquakes in 2023.

The Sustainable Infrastructure Awareness Training, organized within the scope of the Project ECHO: Hacettepe University Infrastructure Sustainability Learning (ISLe) Community Training Program, started on October 30, 2024, and was successfully completed over six weeks. The training was conducted for young professionals and research assistants from different disciplines working in the field of infrastructure. When the findings of the evaluation surveys conducted during and at the end of the program were analyzed, it was seen that the program achieved its outcomes in terms of satisfaction and acquiring new knowledge. It was decided to extend the duration of each session to allow for more productive discussions in the next program period.

The 1st Video Competition on "Importance of Sleep for Children," organized in cooperation with Hacettepe University and the Today for Tomorrow Association (YİBDER), aimed to support the individual and societal development of children, encourage creative thinking, and help them gain different perspectives. Applications were accepted until February 19, 2024.

The Entrepreneurship and Leadership Summit Junior, organized in cooperation with Hacettepe University, the Today for Tomorrow Association, and the JCI Ankara Branch, was held on December 7, 2024, to introduce high school and university students to the entrepreneurship ecosystem and provide them with the opportunity to develop leadership and innovative thinking skills. The summit was attended by a high number of participants, and young people gained knowledge about entrepreneurship while acquiring skills in leadership and innovation.
The Societal Contribution Coordination of Hacettepe University played an important role in the summit. Many student communities from our university carried out information and guidance activities for high school and university students attending the event, strengthening the societal contribution of the summit. The "Climate Leadership and Artificial Intelligence Panel," moderated by Prof. Dr. Mine Durusu Tanrıöver, attracted attention in terms of both academic depth and innovative solutions. In the panel, Elif Ayhan from Hacettepe University, Gülşah Deniz Atalar from the Climate Change Policy and Research Association, and Kerem Erikçi, one of the founders of &, discussed climate leadership and the future of artificial intelligence.
Within the scope of the summit, young people participated in various workshops on developing business ideas, public speaking, and producing projects for sustainable development goals. Participants were inspired by entrepreneurship stories and had the opportunity to receive mentorship from experts. This event provided young people with an innovative perspective on their academic and career plans while being an important investment for the future of society.
Hacettepe University is strengthening its role in inspiring, supporting, and helping to build the future for young people with such events. These initiatives, which make a significant contribution to the future of society, reinforce the university's mission of societal contribution.

The University Coordination Board Meeting of Hacettepe University was held on October 31, 2024, and the 2024 Activity Report and 2025 Action Plan of the Societal Contribution Coordination were presented at the meeting. During the meeting, the societal contribution activities carried out throughout 2024 were comprehensively evaluated, and views were exchanged on the projects carried out, academic and societal collaborations, the outputs provided, and their impact areas. The results of the studies carried out by the Societal Contribution Coordination with different stakeholders were shared, and the challenges encountered, and improvement suggestions were discussed. Within the scope of the 2025 action plan, strategies to be followed to make societal contribution processes more effective, increase sustainable projects, and strengthen stakeholder participation were discussed. In addition, new collaborations to be developed in line with the university's societal contribution vision and the targeted projects were emphasized. In line with the outcomes of the meeting, it was decided to plan the necessary studies to implement the determined goals and to carry them out in cooperation with the relevant units.

An information session and report were presented on the activities carried out between November 1, 2023, and October 31, 2024, within the scope of the ‘Hayat İyi Yaşam Merkezi’ project being carried out in Malatya. During the meeting, which was attended by volunteer students and faculty members, as well as the managers of the supporting faculties, departments, and divisions, views were exchanged on whether to continue the activities with the relevant units and the scope of the activities. The inclusion of student participation in the transcript within the scope of the recognition of non-program learning was evaluated as a positive development. All units provided positive feedback on the experiences gained by the project and volunteers in the field. The planned activities for 2025 were also presented for opinions and suggestions. In the evaluations made, it was emphasized that more than 200 volunteers participated in the field studies in Malatya in the first year of the project and that the ‘Hayat İyi Yaşam Merkezi’ received more than 32,000 visits during this period.